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Writing the report

Report structure and assessment

We will assess the report based on the general grading scheme for the RP practicum (Brightspace/RP practicum/Content). For a very useful guide on how to write a scientific report, see these instructions written by prof. Gary Steele.

We now sum up a few points that we expect in the report for this practicum, while leaving room for your own interpretations:

  • Describe the NV center and how you can use it for magnetometry (Exercise 1).
  • Include a plot of the theoretical prediction of ESR frequencies vs. applied field. (Exercise 2)
  • Description of experimental setup.
  • Important is to describe not only the optical setup to read out the PL of the NV center, but also how you mount the permanent magnet with respect to the NV centers in the diamond.
  • Include a plot of the expected field for a cylindrical magnet (Exercise 3).
  • Plots of obtained data that help you answer your research question.
Figures and captions

Figures should have the proper labels (with units) and should be readable (increase font size if necessary). If multiple curves are visible, include a legend. It is perfectly fine to use software such as Inkscape, Illustrator, Powerpoint to improve the labels and readability. A good caption describes:

  • The message of the figure
  • What is displayed on the axes
  • What the different curves in a figure are.
  • All metadata necessary to understand the figure well, e.g.: how did you obtain the data.